Friday, July 22, 2005


something bit my arm and now it's swollen.

ok. my week.
it was fun.

ended up going to wine tasting and it was AMAZING. of course we all just dranked and didnt pay attention, but i can now say that i like white wine. as i was heavily intoxicated by the end of the evening. my ulpan teacher was very entertained by it the next morning.

michael and i went to the shuk on wednesday afternoon to get lots of food -- and to the supermarket thursday to then spend 360 NIS... but we made dinner last night and our friend Karen came over. the lasagna (made by michael with some assistance by rena) was SO beautifully delicious. it was great. ill get a pic up onto the pic page soon. michael and i keep taking pictures of our first meals. and i need to get the pictures up from when michael was hanging his boxers on the clothes line and they fell down to the line below us. instead of asking for them he fished them up.

annnnnnnnnnnnnnd yesterday was our first learning type day thing. we had some great sessions: jewish texts, the jewish calendar, jewish peoples in history. yes, i made up the name of the last one. but it was a great opportunity to just hear stuff. and i even contributed to some convo....great line from the talmud: shy people don't learn. crazy shit.

i really think shabbat is busier than the rest of the week and truly question what kind of "rest" we get during shabbat. buuuuuuuut michael and i were invited to dina and rachel's for dinner so we'll drop off whatever creation we make of food and then go over to Har El with a whole bunch of other people.

perhaps in the morning ill drag my ass to services bc i havent been to the synagogue they are going to - - and i want to see/experience it. and then we're all hanging out in the park for the afternoon - until nap time of course. and then havdallah wine and cheese at micol and jordan's....sweet.

wait, im in school, right? sorry i couldnt tell.


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