Monday, November 12, 2007

Ear Nose and Throat

I had my joyful reunion with my ENT today. I hadnt seen him since a month before I left for Israel - i.e. a week before i got my wisdom teeth out - i.e. 2 1/2 years ago.
While my mother forbade me from talking about anything he pulled out of my ear, I think i can brag about one thing.
Right before leaving for Israel he put a tube in my ear. He told me it would fall out within 6 months.
When he went in today it was still there!
Think about how much this tube has experienced with me.
I'm kinda sad it's gone.

The next thing that may be gone are my adenoids. Sweet.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Considering he has lived in New Rochelle for the past 12 or so years, I wonder how Joe Torre is going to feel moving out to LA.
I could give him some pointers and warnings...

Friday, October 26, 2007

After 2 years of living in the tropics, I am finding my ability to stand any bit of cold somewhat pathetic. Not to mention that the room I live in was an addition to the house some 30 something years ago and wasn't given an insulation.

I whined to Mommy and Daddy landlord about it. Even whined to Asher about it. The heater in this room is a really old one - it has a dial that you turn ... it clicks when it's has 2 levels - really high or off. And oh, it uses a lot of energy.

SO my mom went to costco and got me this handy little heater
I'm not bragging or anything - or maybe I am. It has a remote, oscillates, AND turns off if a cute little man accidentally knocks it over.

I think Mommy and Daddy Landlord may be a LITTLE jealous of my new toy.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Moving Announcements

Fizzy is now in a 10 gallon tank - but still in Hoboken. She is very happy there.
Her 20 gallon was given to Shimmy who we expect to make more use of it. So far he seems confused and is still eager to break out.

Asher continues to live between my room and his room. Which is which is still questionable.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oneg Sukkot

They served ROOT BEET FLOATS at the Oneg tonight at the synagogue where I'm working this year. I was pretty excited.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Productive use of time

While I had intended to read when i went outside with Asher today, instead I began pulling the roots of the pachysandra....asher got involved, my mom got involved - we ended up tearing up a whole section of the "garden" in preparation for the spring. I compared it to the satisfying feeling of pulling out an eyebrow hair. When you get the whole root out it feel soooo good.
and asher is an accomplished digger.

now we just have to hope that there wasnt any poison ivy left in there.

perhaps i will consider gardening as a career.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Vacation excitement

After completing a whole 2 weeks of class, im on a vacation. for the holidays. the rabbis need to be able to go away - i know of people in japan, hawaii, india... so i get a vacation out of it. nice!
it's not like my schedule isnt already a bit of a vacation - i only start teaching tomorrow. so i've been taking advantage of the time and reading a lot. read the new one by the kite runner dude, the 2nd in the rashi's daughter's trilogy, and finally got to the last harry book.
i fear trying to read another book because all three have just blown me away. i got wrapped up in the characters and engaged in their lives - from modern warfare to the rabbinic period and then the world of wizardry. it has been so nice to get to enjoy reading again and even nicer that ive been loving all the books.

asher really enjoys when i read becauase i tend to sit outside with him while he lays in the sun.

my first day of teaching is tomorrow - 2nd grade. 4th grade on Monday...and then no school Wednesday for RH. I love this time of year - a perfect way to transition back to ny....