Friday, March 02, 2007

Purim in Therapy

I brought hamantachen to my therapist today - courtesy of a package my mom.

I explained the story of Purim to my Catholic therapist - "shalach manos" (as my mom wrote in a note to me), Haman, graggers, costumes. She loved it.

I brought the hamantachen in a bag that said "Purim Simchas" which my therapist promptly said the "ch" with the english sound - not the het. I corrected her. She laughed. She picked out one to eat - bit in - and questioned "Am I Jewish yet?"

Right. Good one.

Session continues.

At the end, like the educator I am, I quizzed her on the info. I asked what we do when we hear Haman's name. She proclaimed "You rattle the goya!" I said - yes - we keep the non jews around and rattle them.

I wonder what she got out of that lesson? A good laugh, I know that for sure.

Maybe it was funnier there? Maybe you have to know her? Just imagine a cute Catholic blond.


At 3/3/07 03:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the story is charming. Some day I'll sing Mayim for you, with the mispronunciations I have from when I learned it when I was about 5 - it is something about being a visual learner! If all she got out of the story is that we eat a funny little cookie, you still taught her something!


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