Saturday, September 24, 2005


My schedule...
For your entertainment, of course.
Isnt it purdy?

RLW is Reform Liturgy Workshop. We go to services, and pray. But the ed students dont really have any part in it. except we can read torah or lift the torah at the end. no leading, no singing, no dvar torah. how do you think we feel about that?

reb lit is rabbinic literature with a modern ortho rabbi -- who im in love with

bible is a teacher im in love with too, dont worry

my liturgy teacher is weird.

habo is habonim dror -- my teaching stint.

gym is of course optional, because, well, yeah.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sharon is AMAZING

Today Michael and I were sitting around talking online like bums, around 530.
There was a knock at the door.
I told Michael there was someone at the door (Im nice like that!)
He went to the door, asked "Mi Zeh" (who is it)
There was some confusion, til we finally figured out that there was a guy delivering flowers.
OBVIOUSLY we were both skeptical (I was sure it was some fool with a gun hidden to steal everything we had...good to hear the zoloft is working)

It turns out he has a delivery for some girl named Rena.

He hands over this GORGEOUS bouquet of flowers

We thank him. he leaves.

I open the envelope:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
you make haaapppppppyyyy when skies are grey.
Hope your skies clear up soon with this Israeli Sunshine Bouquet!
I love and miss you so much.
All my love, Sharon


yesterday i was having a bit of a down day and talked to sharon. and then she went online and found this israeli place to deliver an 'Israeli Sunshine Bouquet'

Isn't she the GREATEST?!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

On the side of the road, on Route 90, overlooking the Dead Sea

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I’m gonna make you all work a little bit harder this time. Open a new window, and go to my pics page – bc im explaining the pics in a blog instead of giving them names. Because (a) it’s easier (b) im lazy (c) each pic doesn’t need a name.

We start with scenery pics from our ride down. The views were amazing. To our left was the Dead Sea almost the entirety of the ride. The directions to drive: take Route 1 out of the city til you hit Route 90. And drive south. For-ev-er. But we could look over the Dead Sea to Jordan and we got all sorts of high quality radio stations from there. On our way out of Jsalem we ended up on our way to Ramallah but quickly remedied that…we do think we ended up in a safe part of the west bank. Oops.

We stopped at the chocolate milk kibbutz for bathrooms, lunch, and chocolate milk. Oh and for a chance for me to ride the fake cows. I got a little excited in there. But Karen got excited drinking milk from a bag (“it’s like breast feeding”)…We actually went to 2 kibbutzim before this one because SOMEONE got a little confused. Yael and Lotan are gorgeous if you were curious.

I ate a lot of sunflower seeds on the way down. Jen and Karen slept. Rachel gave me the finger and made faces at me.

We went to a very mediocre dinner at a sea food place. But before we went, we were driving and just looking around. And kept driving. And then saw yet another check point (I believe we saw something like 3 or 4?) we figured out it was a check point when we saw the welcome to Israel type sign – and the go in peace sign that we were leaving Egypt. So we hopped out and took pics – Rachel stayed in the car. And we avoided going into Egypt. But damn, those countries are close…

My dolphin pics have to get developed – but ill stick on pics of the pics we bought from dolphining. They were amazing. Gorgeous. That’s it’s own post *hahahaha

On the way back I finally got to fulfill a creative urge I had been having … so you’re driving down these stretches of road that have nothing on them. And then out of nowhere you get a bus stop. And then drive for awhile and another one. They are throughout all of 90. and have these gorgeous backdrops. So Rachel was kind enough to photograph this series for me….

Eilat Adventures

I know that you want to hear about my Eilat vacation.

So click on this:

Friday, September 02, 2005

Clogged pipes

Im sure you all want to hear about Eilat. Oh well. sucks to be you.

The plumber finally got here (in ivreet: plumber) and we bonded with him. he sings pretty songs. and we took pictures of michael being a macho man with him. and we had to speak hebrew because the man hardly spoke english. though i think his english was about as good as my hebrew...

la la la

nothing like a pre shabbat adventure. oh, and he concluded that we need to rip down our wall so he can unclog the pipe. hope the landlord is ready to dish out some dinero...

michael and the plumber in love

michael in the dungeon turning the water on and off -- and singing and dancing and reaching for me...