Saturday, May 06, 2006


From: "Karen Perolman"
Subject: oops
Date: 17:14:15 GMT+03:00 6 מאי 2006
To: "Rena Fraade"

dear rena,

i'm sorry for taking your passport. it was my pathetic attempt to prevent you from leaving israel. silly karen.

my sincerest apologies,

Karen Rachel Perolman
Cellular: 054-694-2859
Landline: 703-310-6766
(for mail)
c/o Hebrew Union College
13 King David Street
Jerusalem, 94101


I couldnt find my passport.

Karen found it.
With hers.
In her apartment.

What's wrong with this situation?
Pick one of the following:
(A) Karen wants to be me
(B) Karen wont let me leave the country *she leaves before me
(C) We spend too much time together
(D) I had to obsessively clean thinking I would find my passport
(E) An answer of your own.

Monday, May 01, 2006


asher got his balls wacked off today.
he's not too happy right now.
but he's slowly getting more color in his face.
before and after pictures may get posted. they may not.

we come home in a month. insane.

so ready, yet not ready at all. no desire to reflect on it. sorry.

there are a variety of significant events this week -- yom ha'shoah was last week - yom ha'zicaron is tonight into tomorrow. and then yom ha'atzmaut .... holocaust, fallen soldiers, independence day. all are so insignificant in the diaspora compared to the excitement here.

im gonna enjoy it.