Sunday, November 13, 2005

experiencing this place

so dina, the person who drives me from the kibbutz, told me she would take me to today also.
i was supposed to meet her in one place but had to change it bc of Hillary being here
Then we went to pick up Amir
He is another teacher
He was waiting for us outside the YMCA
and apparently looked suspicious. but had forgotten his ID AND cell phone. so we spent a wonderful hour sitting there while he tried to prove that he isnt a terrorist. it was SO entertaining - esp bc he is the nicest guy ever. and dina's family has some sketchy connections....

then we were en route to the kibbutz, finally, and got frustrated that there was a huge traffic jam.
only to realize we were sitting behind a bunch of badly parked cars, with no drivers in them...

then on the way home, i got the view of a lifetime.
an orthodox man, in the garb, bent over, tzittzit hanging out, and some hardcore plumbers crack going on - HARDCORE


Thursday, November 10, 2005


today i was baking
i turned the gas on and lit the oven
and then lowered the heat bc it was getting too hot too fast
and then didnt realize thati had turned the flame off
so our gas was just going and going
and we couldnt figure out why it smelled so bad
and then we figured out that the flame wasnt on.
and then i relit the oven
and it went BOOOOOOM
and then it smelled bad here.

my bad.
i shouldnt be allowed near gas ovens.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Important Stuff
check michaels blog.


Yesterday marked 4 months of me and Michael being here. So tonight we're celebrating by making dinner together and stuff.

It's kind of weird how fast this time has gone.

My family and Evvy will be here in a week and a half. I'm pretty excited about that.

And that's my emotional reflection.

The end.