Saturday, October 29, 2005

Debra Miriam Bennetz

i had dinner with her this evening
PIzza actually
that was after going to havdallah together at Robert's place and saw him and his kiddies
at pizza
each time debra would get up, her chair would fall
and then, one time, she wasnt up when her chair fall
and she went boom too.
and i laughed
and then she got angry at me, like old times
and then i laughed more that she was pouting at me.

now im at their apt doing work -- well writing a blog post first -- then more work.

and her phone rang. and she was really confused as she couldnt figure out where her cell was.

it was funny

debra is funny.


the london pics are all loaded on -- click on the pictures link in my blog.

remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. so maybe i dont have to sit and write about the trip...

just kiddddddding. this week. i promise, this week.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Messy mess

Michael and I agreed that my room was a shithole - - and that was an excuse not to go to the gym
Before cleaning it, i took some pictures -- just to be able to show it off to people. notice the four or so loads of laundry on my bed - luckily it's a double bed. michael said that if i had been in a single bed i wouldnt have been able to go to sleep...oops.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


the lady and i have returned from the english land.
we had a wonderful time
and she was approved of by sharon (like that was a concern?)
debra just got back from the states, so im going over to comfort her a bit -- whoa culture shock.
im hoping karen will write about the trip first so i can just add to her post....we'll see what happens.
more info soon

Monday, October 17, 2005


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Adventures in Israel

Once upon a time, Rena worked on a kibbutz on Sundays.
Today, the driver who normally picks me up, didnt. So i got there late. and the cab i hailed had a driver who proceeded to hit on me the entire ride.
that makes rena uncomfortable.

On the ride home, oh wait. The ride home. The woman who normally drives me, couldnt. But another teacher who lives in Jerusalem was coming back. So we got dropped off, in typical israeli fashion, on the side of the road, to then grab the bus. while we were waiting in the bus stop, a sheirut drove up. to offer us a ride. so we got in. and as we got in i noticed a lot of black. oh, black. black coats, black hats, black kippotttttt....i sat in the wrong seat at first. never ever sit next to a man, silly. oooooops. and then i sat in the back with my co-teacher. who told me that usually they just pick up orthos. interesting.

and then we got back to the J and they dropped us off by the bus station and buddy got us onto a bus. hehehe. i had my first bus experience. it was pretty cool. and much fun.
and nowhere near as scary as people make it seem.


heading to london in a few hours.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


in a country filled with strayed cats, HOW HOW HOW are there rodent creatures?

Falling asleep tonight, I heard a sound. Ignored it bc of the wind outside.

Michael got up so I asked him to close the window.

. . . I hear a young woman scream ( oh wait it was michael ) it was a lizard or a rat, he tells me.

Well if it's a lizard I'm gosh darn excited.

It's a mouse.

We set up a path to get it out of the apartment

But michael left his door open.

And it got into his room

And into his closet

We finally got it out.

And we think it may have commited a horrible fall.

And now we both have some intense adrenaline going on.

And it's 3 am.

It was kinda big. And kinda scary.

I didnt really like it

But michael was very manly

And so was i :)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Yom Kippur in the Holy Land

I continued with my tradition of not speaking on YK. I had sent an email to my classmates before the holiday to let them know.
As always, it was a pretty enjoyable experience.
We had the last supper at Karen and Lauren's place and then made our way over to HUC. And yes, dinner was at 330! insane!
Kol Nidre was pretty cool. The cantor at HUC is amazing and has quite a reputation. but i brought a book with me and got through the boring spots with that.
after services we went down to Emek Refaim -- the valley of ghosts. It's a happening street on a regular day with lots of restaurants and lots o people living there
but for the holiday the place empties out and none of the restaurants are open. so everyone makes their way down there to ask forgiveness and shtuff -- it's also a place where the secular come to hang out -- kids on bikes and scooters, parents walking around, and LOTS of dogs! it was like the ultimate dog shopping experience. i want to buy all the doggggggggies.

Broke the fast at Jen's place. All in all, a pretty productive day. and pretty exciting

now we get ready for the trip to the english land. shabbas, teaching sunday, and flying out monday. if you want my flying info email me.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


learning and education are so weird
because education is the one thing that we bitch about how much money we spend to receive it
but the second a class is cancelled we are soooooo excited.

My Hebrew teacher is sick. We had one of our two classes cancelled on Thursday -- and I just got a phone call from a classmate that we dont have class today -- and we have two classes today also

I mean, it sucks. because she's amazing and i dont want her to be sick.

BUT (and that's a big but) I'm teaching today, so i'm HAPPY to have a slightly shorter day.

Interesting, i know.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I love this place.

DST for us tonight -- going back an hour. So there's a 6 hr difference til y'all get your asses caught up with us.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Mind the Gap

Not the J Crew :)

leaving for london on my mama's bday of the 17th of October - and returning on the 23rd.

Sharon will arrive with Ben on the 21st for 3 days of funfilled sister time.

Me so excited.

Just have to get through 4 more days of classes...yes, the schedule during the holidays is ridiculous here:
had class on sunday.
off mon,tues,wed
have class thursday
class: sun, mon, tues
on vacation til the 26th or so.
and then a month later the fam and the ev come to visit.

shhh time, stop flying. silly silly time.

the rosh of the shana

ah, so the significant holidays in israel begin.

while you say, oh rena, you're away from your family.

hark, you're wrong.
debra is here :0)

an adorable pic of us from rachels bday excitement.

have a happy one kids

Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Fetish

Yes, you all have one
You keep checking my blog

And there's nothing here.

You poor things.

There will be more soon

I owe you a dolphin update
and tomorrow London will be planned ... and ill add that info

sharon, ben, rena, and karen: do london

any recs on where to go? what to do?