Monday, March 26, 2007

Trash talking

It's shit like this that gets me to dislike the rabbinate.

really? do we need this? I havent heard of a good chunk of those people - even in the Reform movement! And i'm more active than the average bear in it.


to school i go

Friday, March 23, 2007

A song for my listeners

I made up a song last night driving back from Huntington Beach (45 minutes! so fast!)
I'm thinking Emily and I can sing backup for Weird Al on his next album. Asher may want to bark a little too;

It's to the tune of "Who put the bop in the bop shu op shu op" (Westchester Summer Day memories, aw)

Who put the date in the date d-date d-date
Who put the who pays in the p-ay shuways shuways
Who put the awkward good night in the night shunight shunight
Who was that man, I'd like to beat him up
He made my life full of so many wonderings
la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

$30,000 goes a long way...

One of the projects I worked on at my JCS internship was writing a grant. We ended up only receiving half of it - but half is still enough. So, as I said in the grant, we used the money to get new computers for the agency as well as new server stuff. It's pretty damn cool. I mean, I'm mac loyal these days - but a new pc is still pretty sweet. I know it will start sucking soon enough, but hey, I'll be gone by then. For now, there's a glow in the building. Maybe it's the new paint that is getting put on as I type (it smells. swell) but I think it's the gorgeous flat screens spread out :)

Everyone keeps thanking me for getting the computers -- who knew I was actually being productive at my internship.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


yup. here i am. back in my bed in LA. no clue which time zone im in - any suggestions? i passed out on the plane.

got into burbank and realized the last time i had been there was for my huc interview - remember that ma?

i got off the plane and also remembered that my whole body hurt. i wonder if it's from tumbling with the pup or picking up 3 of the 4 konwisers in the chair. or dancing like a maniac. hmmm.

school is gonnnnna suck tomorrow. and my study buddy is home for the entire week! what do i do!?/

it was a great 42 glad i got to be there. damn jetblue - i wish i had my other 17! bastards...

and now starts the countdown til my next visit - - - 11 days, i think :)

asher - hold up the fort til then. good boy. (no biting!)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

And now, services

I did a dvar torah, read torah...and now I lead services. Of course it's on one of the craziest days ever...I literally wake up at 6 am and go until I get on the plane at 9 pm. Great, I know. Especially bc I'm posting this at 1 am. Anyway.

I was very much opposed to leading services. I'm just not feeling it. I obviously had no choice. One thing led to another and I decided to use a different prayer book than the crappy sampler of the new Reform prayerbook that we use (gates of grey for any of you that it makes sense to). Then i decided to change everything up...and made the theme of my service "Change" - there are various short readings that I wrote. but I think there is one in specific that I should share.

Throughout my planning process I knew in the back of my head that it was meaningful to me that I was leading services just two days before Jenny's bat mitzvah. For awhile I had considered making her my theme. And then tonight, mid temper tantrum, I wrote this. It could use editing here and there, but that's not the point.

For our thursday services one of the older professors, who has been there forever, usually tells us about people who are important to the college community whose yartzeit we are observing. It's weird, yet cool. But the dude is away this week.... My first sentence is in reference to him - but it will make no sense to any of you - so i pick up on the 2nd sentence.

He is not here today so I would like to take this moment to share a story. As many of you know I am getting on an airplane in a few hours to fly to NY for the weekend. I haven’t really told anyone the significance of this bat mitzvah that I am going to. Jenny is a 13 year old wonder. She was adopted 10 years ago from the Ukraine and I have had the honor of being part of her life and even being changed by her. The thing is, our families have been connected for years. Her brother is one of my best friends – we’ve grown up together. But even before Evan and I were friends, Evan’s sister and my sister were friends – actually, best friends. Sharon and Jill met in kindergarten – an epic meeting and friendship that I’ve heard about my entire life. His sister, Jill sadly died of bone cancer at the age of 11 – over 16 years ago. Jenny never knew her sister Jill. But we all did. And this weekend, as Jenny becomes a bat mitzvah, a simchah we never got to celebrate with Jill, we will all be thinking about both of these girls and what they mean to ours and other families. It isn’t Jill’s yartzeit – it isn’t her birthday – times at which I especially think of her. But we’ll be remembering her and thinking about her. The kaddish is a time that we can remember people – how they changed our lives and helped change us in various ways. I invite you to remember a significant person or people who have touched your life in some way today, as we recite the kaddish together. Please share their names with us.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

HILARIOUS - play the video - with sound.


i see the pup soon i see the pup soon.

la la la la i love sausage man la la la

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Waiting and Dating

If heteros say call within 2-3 days after a date to make another date - what do homos say?

It's not a joke. Don't look for the punch line. I don't know the rules.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Are we so brainwashed in this program that it is impossible to try to even go out on a date with a goy?

I asked my roommate.

His response?
I would have to find something else to talk about besides school.


Do I have anything else to talk about besides Judaism?


ill take some comments for entertainment, please.

Friday, March 09, 2007

some interesting things

- I saw regular gas for $3.45 today. shit man.
- I comfortably wore flip flops today (lower/mid 70s). ew.
- i sent a box of books to myself - 22 1/2 lbs. just under $10. sweet.
_ my shoulders are *still* sore from shifting books on wednesday at work. damn.
- i thought i was going to stop writing on this thing. but i would disappoint so many loyal readers. so apparently im back to it. enjoy.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

And stretch...

Look at the back left hand corner -- Asher is SO tall when he's trying to climb out of time out...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Purim in Therapy

I brought hamantachen to my therapist today - courtesy of a package my mom.

I explained the story of Purim to my Catholic therapist - "shalach manos" (as my mom wrote in a note to me), Haman, graggers, costumes. She loved it.

I brought the hamantachen in a bag that said "Purim Simchas" which my therapist promptly said the "ch" with the english sound - not the het. I corrected her. She laughed. She picked out one to eat - bit in - and questioned "Am I Jewish yet?"

Right. Good one.

Session continues.

At the end, like the educator I am, I quizzed her on the info. I asked what we do when we hear Haman's name. She proclaimed "You rattle the goya!" I said - yes - we keep the non jews around and rattle them.

I wonder what she got out of that lesson? A good laugh, I know that for sure.

Maybe it was funnier there? Maybe you have to know her? Just imagine a cute Catholic blond.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I spend more time looking for my remote than using it.

Seriously, I can't find it again. All I want to do is watch the Simpsons while I fall asleep.